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Judiciary conference in Bangkok


As part of the project “Institutional Strengthening of the High Court Council”, funded by USAID and implemented by 4 Digits Consulting – Judiciary and Public Sector Support, Chief Justice Dragomir Milojević, General Secretary of the HCC Majda Kršikapa and Supreme Court Justice Snežana Andrejević, participated in the „World Judiciary Transformation Framework & The Metrics for Measuring Performance“ conference on August 18th and 19th, in Bangkok, Thailand.

The aim of the conference was to establish and maintain a permanent dialogue amongst the judiciaries to strengthen exchange and share experience on best practices in judiciary transformation and efficiency. The conference provided valuable insight on how information technology is being used in other countries for streamlining business processes and increasing efficiency and transparency of court proceedings.

Ms. Majda Kršikapa, General Secretary of the HCC, held the opening presentation of the conference, providing insight on the current activities of the Serbian judiciary in regard to backlog reduction, as well as activities related to the institutional strengthening of the HCC under the assistance of USAID and 4 Digits Consulting. Mr. Dimitrije Šujeranović, 4DC’s Legal Expert, led the conference discussion panel, with the participants sharing their views and experiences in matters related to justice sector management and automation.

As a conclusion to the conference, Mr. Brian Green of Justice AV Solutions, a renowned US company dealing with justice sector audio and video recording solutions, presented as a gift one of their technical solutions to Chief Justice Milojevic. This audio recording device will be installed in the High Court Council and linked to the HCCs future case management system, which is to be developed and implemented by 4 Digits Consulting, under the USAID funded “Institutional Strengthening of the HCC” project.